Monthly Archives: January 2010


Big Business

In my years of naiveté, the words "big business" meant industry, lots of jobs, lots of money, philanthropy. Corporate America was dependable, responsible. Men and women chose a career, worked until retirement, and then lived off their pensions. Corporations were benevolent structures, the backbone of the American economy.

By | 2014-06-30T18:02:38-04:00 January 7th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Big Business

To Consume or not to Consume

Say you drive an older automobile that gets pretty good gas mileage. You want to step up to a new Prius or some other beautiful, technologically advanced hybrid automobile. But green wisdom dictates that one should use the older car for as long as possible before purchasing a new vehicle, and preferably a used one at that. Manufacturing new vehicles is a significantly environmentally taxing process. A lot of environmentally damaging chemicals go into the production of automobiles.

By | 2014-06-30T17:59:47-04:00 January 1st, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on To Consume or not to Consume